General Notes (Tanks to Taco and Blackhawk)
- Don't get mad or upset by Trolls, enjoy the game (you can't change people).
Battle field analysis, end game or where no one is spotting, where are the probable spots behind bushes, rocks, etc that a tank is hiding and sniping or spotting, if tanks are dying and nothing spotted where is the likely place the shot is coming from.
- Small circle - small circle - small circle (Arty) (Some Tier II/III large circle with green dot)
- Pre-aim (Arty)
- Patience
- Look at map after every shot (Arty) - Threats and opens sectors - Do you need to move
- No hasty shots
- Juke Arty when facing off against a tank
- Arty on Arty or Tank when direct firing close range
Driver View (Trajectory or Overhead which works best for you)
Aim Low (Remember round arcs high)
Aim Low - Base of Vehicle (Side - Tracks, Front Lower Glacis) or a bit lower
Back away opposite direction they are turning
Makes you a moving target harder to hit
Generally you will not be able to out pivot a turning vehicle by rotating in place
- For reticle that Blossoms out - Zoom out then move reticle in to shoot when it is small (Arty)
- Blind Shot - If you do not see the round explode you hit something
- End Game move up if safe, shorter time of flight better chance of hitting (Arty)
- Learn where the main battle and skirmish areas are
- Generally 2 - 4 main battle areas (2 usually) lot of skirmish locations
Many times main battle matches up with position of attention - not all
Some times positions of attention are main battle areas, sometimes zero.
- Keep an eye on flanks to see if someone is spotting flanks, forces deployed no open sector
or flanks (try and look after every shot so you don't get blindsided)
- If spotted and other vehicle dies, keep moving until after you count to 6, juke while moving
to throw arty off (Call for Vengeance will keep you lit for a short time)
- When moving watch red lines, running on red line slows vehicle down
- Move when shot or aimed at
- Don't underestimate
- Respect regardless of tier
- Shoot Backup Shoot (Tank)
- Think Options - No Blind Rush
- Side Scrap
- Keep emitters concealed detectors unobscured (See Spotting Notes)
- More Patience
- Don't Under Estimate
- Respect Regardless of Tier
- Don't get greedy
- Don't get stupid
- Disable Enhanced Pointer
Windows Mouse Settings
Pointer Options Tab uncheck Enhanced Pointer Precision
----General Weak Spots not Tank Specific---
Flat Spots
Lower Glacis
Where Turret Meets Hull
Ports - Machine gun - Viewers
Commanders Cupula
Side Turret
Flanks (Avoid Tracks unless try to track)
Tracks (Front and Rear Sprocket)
Rear Turret - Dependent
Rear of Tank
Fuel Tanks
Back Deck
TD - aim at open decks
Most arty is not accurate enough to aim at these spots, some (Bishop, FV 304, 105 leFH18B2 ( Leaf Blower)) can do precision gunnery. The FV 304 put a round thru a window, it is short range high arc arty.
Arty Specific Notes
- Fire - Watch Map Fire - Map
- Small circle - Small circle - Small circle
- Arty Shoot Move ^ v < >
- Record Good Map Locations
- G to switch between overhead and trajectory view
- T to mark targets
- With bino's/optics leaf blower (105 leFH18B2) spot for self - bush, corner of rock, hide emitters
- Shoot then re-spot stay in arty view, move about 1.5 - 2 vehicles lengths (v ^ < >)
- Splash Kills low health tanks behind buildings or rocks
- Splash Damage (behind buildings/rocks) when no other shot available
- Arty with Turrets can use track rotation to speed up moving aiming point for large
shifts like from flank to flank.
- Can you move > < v slightly to get the shot
- End game you might have to make major move to make the shot.
Can you move safely to the spot
- End Game move up if safe, shorter time of flight better chance of hitting (Arty)
- Try not to box yourself in, if boxed is there a safe spot
- Move in Trajectory Mode (sometimes)
- Small circle - small circle - small circle (Arty)
- Pre-aim (Arty)
- Patience (Sure vs iffy shot)
- No hasty shots
- For reticle that Blossoms out
- Zoom out then move reticle in to shoot when it is small (Arty) slow and steady
- When making a major shift on map - slow steady movement
- Blind Shot - If you do not see the round explode you hit something
- Move in Trajectory Mode (Sometimes)
- Watch Map to Acquire Target
- Slope where you are shooting can affect point of impact
- Don't waste a shot
- What Arty are you playing
Short range high arc
Long range low arc
Medium range - low medium or high arc
- Shots - Uphill short - down hill long or is it vice versa?
- Slope where you are shooting can affect point of impact
- Don't waste a shot
- Overhead vs Trajectory
Counter Battery Wooded Areas (Overhead)
Leading a target in wooded areas
Wonky Reticle
Counter Battery
Leading Moving Targets in wooded area
- Arty Draw a line from main battle areas back to where you should spot
3x5 Card
Vis a vis
Camera View Line (yellow line from vehicle out - unless you changed the color)
- Using Kentucky windage
Leading moving targets
RNG is consistently off for that game (i.e always long/short/right/left)
During long reloads - counter battery, pre- aim, or keep reticle on visible targets.
Arty Zooming Out
Arty Zoom Out
Lead Moving Tgt
Cities (Structures which may be partially within aiming circle - RNG, one shot you may hit
the target and the next the structure)
Crests (Hard to hit areas where reticle gets wonky (Try Overhead))
Terrain potentially blocking shot
Wonky reticle goes from small to large with slight movement (Reticle Blossoms)
When Aiming Circle Blossoms - aim off target let it get small then move circle in
Counter Battery __________________________________________________________________________________
Wait for them to shoot first when moving into danger area, aimed vs hasty shot
Juke when targeted or shot at
Shoot Move > < ^ V if within spotting distance and not behind cover
Juke Fire Pause Repeat
Try to shoot outside side spotting range in max view range
Keep emitters covered (See Spotting Post)
Tier 1-2 Gold
Tank Has Camouflage
Tier 2 (Tier 1 vs Tier 2)
Seal Clubbers
Reboots WOT, Modem, PC
Some tanks hide in bushes - beware
V or M key when loose chat or map
Clean Mouse Optical
Splash Damage for kill or damage (walls, rocks, close to)
Leaf blower 500m spotting can self spot
Max Draw: Distance can see, will see another vehicle if spotted by another player
Max View: Can spot another vehicle: In open, shooting, moving
Current View: Driver View - What you can see
Tank Specific Locations to Shoot - To be completed later Date
Youtube Links - WOT Videos
Beginner Tips and Tricks
Spotting Mechanics - Explaining Mechanics: Vehicle Spotting - YouTube
Map Strategy
Where the F*ck to Go: Prokhorovka ----- 4TankersAndDog
Prokhorovka Map
Note to self - since you can key the numbers with the left hand hand - use right hand - take it off the mouse and continue to maneuver with the left.
More to follow later
Arty. Accuracy does not get good until about 90 percent crew trained. Crew Skills: Brother in Arms for all the crew helps accuracy, as does Designated Target for the Gunner.
Try to put your consumables in the same spot on each vehicle (i.e. slot 1 - small repair kit, slot 2 - small first aid kit, slot 3 - other)
Counter Battery
Things to look for locating possible locations
Down Trees
Down traffic signs
Gaps in fences
Damage vehicles (Trollies Cars etc)
Dust getting kicked up by moving vehicle
Small bushes getting crushed
Locations where are general spots to based on game knowldege
Notes to self - scouting with wheelies. (Working on the nuiances of scouting so these are strickly notes to myself to develop best way for me to scout.
Find passive spot
Spot when the team can hit opposing forces
Does no good if no one can shoot target
Deny opposing forces an area by keeping them spotted for shooters
If deciding where to scout - find safe spot where you can passively spot
Don't make the mistake of spotting when no one can shoot the targets
Go for broke (Map Dependent)
Can you get to arty
Can you clear a route
Can you make them deploy early
Where will our forces deploy to where will they be making shots from
Deploy to safe spot - wait then go and make them redeploy when our forces can take advantage - look at map see if our forces in favorable spot to get damage
Do you wait and let them get deployed to spot so friendly forces can hit
Four types of scouting/scouts
Suicide - provided can get to deploy or spot those others can hit
Mid game
End game
Binos and optics
Binos or optics with camouflage net
Spalding or Case hardening
needs editing
why did i die
when that happens i think after the game - was it me 1. arty kill zone 2. not using cover 3. dumb play ....
mnstc not playing the vehicle right - reload times, use of armor (side scrapping), ....
playing it like another type vehicle (td, light, heavy, medium), playing it beyond what it can do (penetration capabilities, armor blocking capabilities, manueverability, locating it wrong)
mnstc being too agressive (usually the case) or hell i will get lucky (generally the case)
mnstc not being patient