Tips and Tricks
How to swap crews at 100 percent for 40k Silver. Case Hardening substitute for suspension How to swap crews for 100 percent for a cost...
This site is notes and reminders to myself about playing World of Tanks Artillery.
To go to how to play artillery use one of the links below:
Watch your thoughts, they become words
Words become actions
Actions become habits
Habits becomes character
Watch your character it becomes your destiny
Don't get mad or upset by Trolls, enjoy the game (you can't change people). Misery likes company, some people try and make others as miserable as they are.
What I tell Trolls. I don't get upset by trolls, I enjoy the game, you can't change that. Misery likes company, some people try and make others as miserable as they are.
Feng Shui.
As the Marines say:
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome! Marine Corps Culture Phrase (