Everything about Concealment! Part 1. Explaining Mechanics - YouTube (Link to website)
Explaining Mechanics: Concealment - Part 2 - YouTube (Link to website)
Videos are about 13 minutes
Additionally watch this vid:
You Tube Video: Explaining Mechanics: Vehicle Spotting - YouTube (website link)
Within 50 meters vehicle can be spotted regardless of cover or concealment.
To get the full camouflaged value only the hull needs be be camoflauged
Even if you are behind cover, and a emitter is exposed (front, sides, rear) you can be spotted
Concealment Part 1
Concealment affected by:
Type Vehicle (SPG,TD, Light, Medium, Heavy)
Special Equipment
Four Concealment Figures
Static Vehicle: 100 %
Static Firing Gun: 16 %
Moving: 50%
Moving Firing Gun: 9 %
Note to self - Time 1.20
How Spotting Distance is Calculated
(Video @ 1:41 minutes)
Turret Movement does not affect being spotted, hull movement does
Distances Vehicles Spotted at: Stationary, Moving, Firing Stationary, Firing Moving
(Video @ 2:20 minutes)
Use Battle Field Analysis (Video @ 3:57 minutes)
Start of Game
Middle of Game
End Game
Identify most dangerous Tanks
Identify probable routes
Identify probable positions (Where to they usually go to or hide)
Who has not been spotted and where they might be
Blind shooting probable locations where vehicles are spotting from
Are friendlies taking damage and being spotted by a vehicle that has not been
6th Sense goes off - probable locations to fire at
Factors effecting concealment
Hull movement
Turret movement does not effect being spotted
Concealment Reduction of Moving Vehicles by Type (Video @ 5:13 min)
Concealment Exceptions
Some light tanks loose 25 percent moving
Top Tiers Swedish Tank Destroyers can turn/incline hull in siege mode with no loss
ONI Same visibility moving or stationary (50 percent)
Speed does not matter, chance of being spotted same whether moving fast or slow.
Concealment Facts
Bigger the vehicle the more the concealment drops
Muzzle breaks help reduce visibility when firing
Spotting Range does not drop when firing just the concealment distance
Wounded or stunned crews do not effect concealment
Vehicle on fire concealment drops about another 50 percent
Only need to apply camo to hull (turret and gun is for looks)
Camouflage is Vehicle Dependent (See Example)
Improving Concealment
Best way maximize the crew concealment skills (Approximate increase of 1.8 times)
BIA (Brothers in Arms)
Vent Purge
Camouflaged Net (Easiest) - takes effect when vehicle stationary 3 seconds.
Takes up a equipment slot - depends on your style of play
Use it if it is free until you have another equipment for the slot or it it suits your
style of play.
Camouflage Paint (Easiest)
Camouflage Vehicle Dependent
Distance spotted when Stationary without camouflage and with camouflage modifications
Vehicle without camouflage mods spotted at 342, vehicles with 213/219
Not so smart ally gets tank in front spotted by firing
Concealment Part 2
Explaining Mechanics: Concealment - Part 2 - YouTube (Link to website)
Train your Brain
Types of Concealment
Remember if they are on higher ground and can see over the concealment or cover you will be spotted.
Higher Concealment Value the shorter the spotting distance
All vehicles are spotted within 50 meters of each other
Temporary Cover
Every Vehicle has 7 Visibility Check Ports (5 Emitters) - 2 View Range Ports (Detectors)
Seven - Visibility Check Points
1 Right Flank (Emitter)
2 Left Flank (Emitter)
3 Front (Emitter)
4 Rear (Emitter)
5 Gun Mantel (Emitter)
View Range Ports
6 Gun Mantel (Detector)
7 Commander Cupola (Emitter and Detector)
Two View Range Ports (Detectors)
Gun Mantel (Detector)
Commander's Cupola (Emitter and Detector)
Vehicle Dimensions make a difference where one vehicle might be able to hide a larger vehicle might not be able to hide. (No Example)
Spotted - Not Spotted (2:41 min)
Spotting Distance Calculated
Spotting Distance if vehicles are stationary behind concealment
Spotting Distance if vehicles are moving behind concealment
Vegetation within 15 meters of firing vehicle becomes transparent for a split second
Note 237 meters is within your view range as the vehicle that is firing
Switch to sniper mode and move until vegetation becomes opaque
Two identical vehicles bush opaque to both both moving one forward one rotating in place
Hold your fire until you will not be spotted (wait until vehicle behind next bush so both opaque.
Hold your fire roll back 15 meters then shoot then pull forward again
Visibility Time
Designated Target Skill adds 2 seconds. Target Directive adds 2 sec.
Only for vehicles you spot yourself. Must be within 10 degrees of your gun direction
If you are using allied vehicles to spot, it is not a beneficial skill. It is good for vehicles with a long reload time that will be spotting vehicles.
Several Bushes Concealment Value
Several Examples of a vehicle concealment and spotting distance
These values are not for all vehicles but are an example, these values are for the vehicle
used in the video.
Captions to the pictures below to be added later
If your vehicle concealment is more then 20 the enemy will not spot you until 50 meters.
Multiple bushes roll to the first bush switch to sniper mode then back up to the last bush
Roll to first bush then pull back count bushes
Every Object has an invisible simplified model
The model can be slightly different then the physical model
To hide vehicle behind a leafy tree (deciduous) you have to bring it down
Tree upright versus downed leafy tree (diciduous)
Tree knocked down with a bush works like double bushes
Two trees toppled next to each other work like double bushes
Can hide behind Palm Trees using the same principle of knocking them down.
Be Careful if they see the palm trees falling they could take a blind shot
Knocking down a fir tree does not increase the concealment value it gives a wider coverage.
Seize the Moment
Can't always hide in the bushes sometimes you have to go. Yellow arrows point to two
vehicles. The tank shown takes out multiple targets.
Everything about Concealment! Part 1. Explaining Mechanics - YouTube (Link to website)
Explaining Mechanics: Concealment - Part 2 - YouTube (Link to website)
New post note to self?