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Characteristics and Firing V's of the Different Artillery Update 26 April 2021

Updated: May 30, 2021

Post created 26 April 2021 it will take some time to finish

Load Times are for my vehicles with crew trained and a rammer if it is available

United States

M41 Tier V

Gun Loading: 21.09 (155 mm Howitzer M1)

M44 Tier VI

Gun Loading: 16.51 (M 155 mm M45)

M43 Tier VIII

Gun Loading: 25.72 (8 inch Howitzer M1)


G.Pz. Mk. VI (e)

Gun Loading 25.89 (10.5 cm le FH 16L 22)


Tier IX 212A

SU 14-1 Tier VII

S 51 Tier VII

SU 122 A


FV 207 Tier VIII



Lorr 155-51 Tier VIII

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