Web Site with Map Strategy: Map Strategy: Highway - WoT Guru
I try and be more simplistic then the web site, I don't show all the routes. I show an axis of advance, you pick the route based on the terrain.
I show limits of advance where you can generally proceed to without being destroyed,
based on the situation it is possible to go past that point.
Play your vehicle like you want to (be prepared for the wrath of the room if it fails) These maps are not saying you must go there, they show generally where certain vehicles go. The maps are generally for newer players who don't have an understanding of how the battle generally flows on a given map. Every battle can be different, a player must adapt to the situation.
These maps are not saying you must go there, they show generally where certain vehicles go. Only the general is covered not the specifics. There are no absolutes.
As noted in the General Limit of Advance (shown below in Map Symbols) it is Situational, Terrain, and Vehicle Capabilites dependent among other factors for example the other team has pushed farther then shown and has different spotting and firing angles. The other team has not pushed as far and you can push further.
Map Symbols
Artillery Notes
Pre-aim Main Battle Areas after the battle starts and you are in position. While you are aiming at a target waiting for the small aiming circle, switch between watching the map and watching the aiming circle, when the aiming circle is at smallest point, adjust it on target and fire. You can use the map to keep your aiming circle approximately on target, use the green box on the map to do that.
If your reload is a long time spend 2/3 of it on looking for counter battery targets. Take the last 5 seconds to pre-aim at a know last target or aim at a visible target.
Karelia Standard Map (Each Team Defending/Attacking)
Minsk (To be completed later date)
6 Jan The Karelia Standard Map Analysis is the first posting I will try and post at least one each week, preferably 1 each day.
Note to Self: Window - Shift - Prnt Screen while teams are loading, then cut and past map.
Future map notes after Basic Map play has been done, (way way way in the future)
Wot friend response: personally.. I am not a fan of maps that say.. "here heavies go, here lights go.. etc..."
Wot friend response: Maps that show places to brawl.. or snipe.. or passive scout.. now that is useful
mnstc true
mnstc this is more for someone new to the game - one day i might get to maps like you suggest
mnstc for the maps you are suggesting I would take screen shots and then post those
mnstc for now I will just work on basic maps - i like the idea of places to brawl or passively scout and a good screen shot showing where would be ideal
mnstc If i did not mention generally where to go, I will mention that saying generally not that a player has to
mnstc thanks I put that right at the top of the page
mnstc Play your vehicle like you want to. These maps are not saying you must go there, they show generally where certain vehicles go. The maps are generally for newer players who don't have an understanding of how the battle generally flows on a given map. Every battle can be different, a player must adapt to the situation.
Wot friend response yeah..
Wot friend response: If you are going to show where"- generally"
mnstc I do like that idea of passive scouting or brawling
Wot friend response: someone is to go in per say a heavy...
rdks then give the reasons why that location is good points
mnstc as we discussed on fisherman's bay have seen a heavy run the 1 line and take out that flank
Wot friend response: look at the videos that WG has done on maps
mnstc as we discussed on fisherman's bay have seen a heavy run the 1 line and take out that flank