Wargaming.net Premium Shop. Redeem Coupons for free items.
Tankrewards.com: Tank rewards has some free benefits such as equipment, premium vehicles, garage spaces and free premium days. You must claim any rewards prior to them expiring at the beginning of the month. Some months they have no missions.
Premium Missions. Free equipment, bonds, and premium days. Level 1 -- Play a battle? Be in top 7? Destroy 5 vehicles. Level 2 ....
Standard Daily Missions. Lower left of garage windown.
Buying a large box during Xmas event is one of the better buys, it comes with several premium vehicles and gold (Xmas 2020 I bought the largest box and got 37K in gold but some others got a lesser amount) with at least a million in silver. Then as one of the advent specials they sold 360 days of premium for 20k gold instead of 24k.
You can get extra rewards if you have a Amazon Prime Account or a Twitch Account.